Conductivity in your water? Here's a brief explainer...

Conductivity is a measure of the level of salts in your water. These salts give flavour and taste, but only in the right amounts… In the same way, your dinner tastes better with just a pinch of salt.
Salts are otherwise known as minerals, hence the name ‘Mineral Water’. Breweries, Distilleries, and bottled water companies go to great lengths to get their conductivity just right!
Why is it called conductivity? – that’s a bit of a technical answer … Salts can conduct electrical current so to measure salt levels, this property is measured and used to conclude the level of salts...
Where do these salts come from? - Much of the salts are due to calcium and magnesium. If you live in a limestone area, you can expect high conductivity. If you live by the sea, salt from seawater may be contaminating your well.
Too much sea salt will increase the risk of various health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke and kidney disease. Other salts can typically come from farm run-off and industrial sources.
Treatment of your water will depend on which salts are present.